
Singapore Hostel Woes

May 18, 2008

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This morning after breakfast, I really drug my feet packing up my bag and checking out. It’s been so great staying in nicer hotels, with a room to myself. Tonight, it’s back to hosteling. I went to the Asian Civilization Museum with a few of the California girls who are still here. We had drinks and a light lunch on the Quay, before heading to Little India. After relaxing for a while back at the hotel, we took the MRT back to Clarke Quay for dinner. It was really nice having them to hang out with. After dinner, we took a taxi back to the hotel. I grabbed my pack, said goodbye, and continued on to my hostel… out to the ghetto. The taxi driver didn’t help calm my nerves about the safety of the neighborhood. The hostel had really good ratings, but I’m not liking the location, and the people staying here seem to be more in an international housing situation, than fellow travelers. I am so leaving in the morning.